Peculiarities of forecasting the behaviour of economic agents in non-stationary conditions

Shevchuk O., Rochshyna N


  • olena Shevchuk


Forecasting the behavior of economic agents in non-stationary conditions is a critically important research area in economics, especially considering the dynamic and constantly changing nature of modern economic systems. In environments characterized by non-stationarity, the behavior of economic agents undergoes temporal fluctuations, posing significant challenges for accurate forecasting and informed decision-making. This underscores the necessity of developing specialized tools and models capable of adeptly predicting the behavior of economic agents, thereby enhancing the competitive advantage of enterprises. Before delving into the main research findings, it is pertinent to consider the distinctions between stationary econometric models and forecasting methods, adapted to the specific characteristics of the time series data (see Table 1).






Інформаційні технології для моделювання та прогнозування економічних процесів на мікро та макрорівнях