Programming-Based Analytical Tools for Forecasting Economic Indicators


  • Dmytro Zherlitsyn


In the rapidly evolving landscape of economic analysis, applying programming-based analytical tools has become paramount. This presentation delves into the intricate world of forecasting economic indicators, highlighting the significance of advanced tools like Prophet, Keras & Tensorflow, PyPorch, etc. We explore the efficacy of various methodologies, including ARIMA, Seasonal ARIMA, and machine learning-based approaches, in predicting trends in economic data. By analyzing different scenarios like energy consumption, financial market trends, and social media traffic, we aim to demonstrate the versatility and precision of these tools. Our comparative analysis sheds light on the practicalities and technicalities of using these programming-based methods, offering insights into their application in real-world forecasting scenarios.






Інформаційні технології для моделювання та прогнозування економічних процесів на мікро та макрорівнях